
Showing posts from April, 2024

Giving babies and toddlers antibiotics can increase the risk of obesity

In my experience, most people dealing with infertility would say that their longing for a child brings sadness year-round. Still, there are times and seasons when the pain intensifies. This may be in spring or early summer when the world is in bloom, winter coats are off and pregnant bellies are out, when greeting card companies and florists ambush airwaves to promote Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. Similarly, the winter holidays present an ever-lengthening stretch during which many women and men who are struggling with infertility feel pummeled. Bookended by Thanksgiving and New Year’s, this has become a season of holiday cards spotlighting happy children, and loud messages of merriment in stores and public places. Short days, dark nights, cold, snow, and clouds further conspire to tell those who are struggling with infertility that ‘tis hardly the season to be jolly. Approaches to coping with infertility So, how best to get through the holidays when you are enduring infertility? You m

Proper Training Is Essential If You Want To Become An Electrician

Technology plays an important role in our lives today. It has penetrated into almost all the departments that we know. Education is no exception to this rule. Gone are the days when educational institutions had to burn the midnight oil to prepare exam papers for their students. Today, these question papers can be prepared in a jiffy, thanks to the technological advancements. Currently, there are lots of software packages that aim to make your life easy by creating innovative, responsive and interactive exam papers for all levels. Let us now look at some of the features and benefits of these packages: Win-win situation for the teacher and the taught Online examination software's main objective is to create a mutually beneficial scenario for the educational institutions and the students. Self-explanatory and straightforward questions with relevant options make the lives of students easier, as they don't have to waste time in reading between the lines like they usually do in the

how to remove blackheads on nose

 How toMany times people get tired due to lack of stamina during sex. The main reason for this is a faulty lifestyle and irregular catering. If you exercise every day and take a balanced diet then surely you will be physically fit, which will increase your sex stamina. Let's learn about ways to increase sex stamina. how to increase stamina naturally,how to increase stamina for running,how to increase stamina at home,how to increase strength STRETCH If you have frequent muscle pain problems, it is harmful to your sex life. In this way, stretching can be beneficial every day. There is a muscle stretch in which the pain gradually gets over. By stretching, you can enjoy your sex life very well. image courtesy Getty images EAT CHOCOLATE To make your sex life fresh and make your partner happy, it is important that you increase your stamina. According to research done by Belgian scientists, if men eat chocolate in small quantities, their performance in bedroom improves 6 to 8 hours. The

Helping a child with obsessive-compulsive disorder

You’ve heard of mindfulness, but what is it, really? How is it different from meditation? Is mindfulness really helpful? Is it hokey? And can you learn it? Do you need to go to a week-long camp or a psychotherapist or a guru? The answer could be on your smartphone. What is mindfulness? There’s no specific definition of mindfulness or meditation, although most writers see mindfulness as one form of meditation, which includes many other activities such as visualization and contemplation. Mindfulness involves focusing completely on what’s going on inside you and outside you — being an observer without getting wrapped up in what you’re observing. A helpful website to learn about mindfulness is provided by the National Health Service of the UK. The creators of this site suggest that watching your thoughts come and go without getting wrapped up by them is like standing at a bus stop watching the buses come and go without getting on one. You can observe your thoughts or worries come up withou

Behavioral weight loss programs are effective

Growing up I had to wear glasses. Back then it was considered socially unacceptable, but necessary to be able to see. Sixty years later, everyone wears glasses and they are a fashion statement. Now as an aging adult, I need to wear hearing aids. This was and still is in many age groups considered socially unacceptable — a sign of being old and maybe a little senile. But it appears that hearing aids are in the process of a similar transformation. A pared down, more affordable category of products — personal sound amplification products (PSAPs) — may lead to greater use of hearing enhancers at a younger age. Hearing aids: Enhanced hearing, at a price One of the major complaints about hearing aids is that they are expensive; they can run from $1,000 to $6,000 apiece. Their average lifespan is about five years, making this a recurring expense. Not everyone can afford or wishes to spend that amount to improve their hearing, especially if their hearing loss is mild and they can get by withou

Healthy eating through the holidays

Right now the world is experiencing an epidemic that is projected to get much, much worse. It’s an epidemic of dementia, affecting 40 million people — and millions more of their caregivers — staggering numbers that will likely triple by 2050. Dementia is a progressive deterioration of brain functioning associated with aging. While there are different causes, the most common — Alzheimer’s and vascular dementias — are now thought to be closely related. How is heart health related to cognitive health? We have long known that the diseases and conditions that clog the arteries of the heart also clog the arteries of the rest of the body, including the brain. It all boils down to damage of the arteries, the blood vessels that are critical for blood flow and oxygen delivery to the organs. Arterial damage leads to arterial blockages, which leads to heart disease and heart attacks, strokes, peripheral vascular disease, and vascular dementia. Meanwhile, Alzheimer’s disease used to be thought of a

Eat more plants, fewer animals

Antibiotics can be lifesaving, but they can have serious downsides — including increasing the risk of obesity when they are given early in life, according to a recent study. Antibiotics kill bacteria. That can be a very good thing when the bacteria are causing a serious infection. But antibiotics don’t limit themselves to killing infection-causing bacteria; they kill other bacteria in the body, too. And that can be a very bad thing. Our bodies are full of bacteria. These bacteria, part of our microbiome, are important. Along with other micro-organisms in our body, they play a role in how we digest foods, in normal growth, and in our immune system. When we take antibiotics, we inadvertently kill some of those bacteria. At first glance, it seems like this wouldn’t be such a big problem; after all, the world is full of bacteria, can’t we replace them? But as we learn more about our microbiome, it appears that the way it gets started — meaning the bacteria that we gather and grow early in

The new exercise guidelines: Any changes for you?

One study examined the effect of the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) Diet on blood pressure. The researchers recruited 460 overweight and obese adults with borderline high blood pressure. They provided the participants with food according to DASH diet guidelines. The DASH diet is defined as: low in saturated fat and dietary cholesterol; rich in potassium, magnesium, calcium, and fiber; emphasizing fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products; including fish, poultry, nuts, and seeds; and limiting red meat, sweets, and sugary beverages. To prevent any effect from weight changes on the results, researchers regulated calories to prevent weight gain or weight loss. At the end of the 11-week study, the participants’ blood pressure was significantly reduced compared to their baseline blood pressure. The second study looked at the already very healthy DASH diet and then added sodium limits. Study participants on the DASH diet who were assigned to the lowest sodi